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Location: Reading
Date: December 13, 2021
Donate clothes you still love but no longer need image

We accept high-quality, donated clothes to help support our clients into work

We all have that dress, coat, or pair of shoes that we still love but know in our hearts that we won’t wear again.

It could be that it no longer fits, was an impractical impulse buy or it doesn’t work with the rest of our wardrobe.

If you have clothing that is in fantastic condition, but you no longer need, please donate it to Smart Works Reading.


We take donations that make our clients feel smart, confident, and ready for work.

We need new or nearly new, spotlessly clean, good quality items. We’re proud of our high standards; we wouldn’t dress anyone in anything we wouldn’t wear ourselves. Our clients need and deserve the best clothing and coaching to help them to return to work and transform their lives.

“Would I still be proud to wear this?”

All these outfits have been donated by our generous retail partners or supportive individuals. Please do not give us anything that is worn, dirty or stained, even if it is a designer label, as we won’t be able to use it. Please ask yourself “Would I still be proud to wear this?” If the answer is yes, please consider donating it to Smart Works Reading.

Donation is by drop-off at our Reading centre. We can meet you outside in our car park and we ask that everyone wear masks. Please contact us to arrange a time during office working hours. Thank you.